Müllers Mehl und Bauers Korn - theatralische Mühlen- und Ortsführung
"Müller Johannes" tells of his daily hard working life in an authentic way and describes the steps from grain to flour.
"Farmer Joseph" takes you to important places and sites in Unterkirnach, embellished with exciting anecdotes.
"Müller Johannes" tells of the origins of the mill, reports in an original and authentic way about his daily hard working life and describes the steps from grain to flour.
"Farmer Joseph" takes you to important places and sites in Unterkirnach, embellished with exciting anecdotes.
Further information: Duration approx. 90 minutes. Registration by 12:00 noon the day before at the #EchtUnterkirnach tourist information centre, tel. 07721/8008-37.
Tourist-Information #EchtUnterkirnach